
Charles Flower has written on wildflower restoration since the 1980’s in publications such as BBOWT, Plant Life and Country Life.
Irreplaceable Woodlands, Some practical steps to restoring our wildlife heritage.

House & Garden: Meet the man transforming Britain's meadows with wildflowers.

Offering seed mixes and sage advice for every kind of site and soil condition, from chalk downland to wetland and woodland, the Flowers are the leading meadow experts in the UK, with decades of experience. ‘When people see local meadows that have been successful, the message starts spreading – the countryside grapevine is extraordinary,’ says Charles. With every meadow they create, another link in the chain is added, joining up areas to restore the countryside our wildlife so desperately needs.
Irreplaceable Woodlands, Some practical steps to restoring our wildlife heritage.
Where Have All The Flowers Gone? Restoring Wild flowers to the Countryside.

Where Have All The Flowers Gone? Restoring Wild flowers to the Countryside.

‘A beautiful practical guide to bringing our gardens and the countryside back to life by re-introducing wild flowers. Charles Flower is passionate about restoring the countryside, and this book is full of practical advice amassed by someone who has devoted all his energy to good management of the countryside for over twenty years. It recounts the story of how he has helped restore the flowers, and thus ensure the return of wildlife, to numerous gardens, farms and estates, a story documented by glorious photographs that cannot fail to inspire.’
Irreplaceable Woodlands, Some practical steps to restoring our wildlife heritage.

Irreplaceable Woodlands, Some practical steps to restoring our wildlife heritage.

‘A beautiful photographic record of a surviving English ancient woodland providing practical advice and inspiration for those wishing to preserve those that still exist and to create woodlands full of insect, bird and animal life for the future.  Charles Flower has now turned his attention to ancient woodlands, many of which, though derelict, are treasure houses of diversity. Yet with a little effort glades and rides, which may represent less than ten per cent of the wood, can be opened up with remarkable results. Once light penetrates some wild flowers will reappear and all will thrive attracting back the insects, birds and animals that once flourished there.’
Irreplaceable Woodlands, Some practical steps to restoring our wildlife heritage.